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Find Your House and Land Package Match

Construct your dream home with our trusted eco-smart builders to turn your dream homes into a reality.

Find Your House and Land Package Match

Construct your dream home with our trusted eco-smart builders to turn your dream homes into a reality.

*Price and information is correct as at the date of publication and is subject to change without notice or obligation. The price advertised is for this specific house and land package only, and is an estimate of the costs to build with the builder and separately purchase the underlying land from Corfield Green Pty Ltd. Corfield Green Pty Ltd, on behalf of Corfield Green, is only responsible for the sale of the land. The estimated package price is based on the Builder’s plans and specifications, inclusions and preferred building surveyor. The elevation and images depicted in this advertisement are solely for illustrative purposes and may include features not included within the builders standard building contacts. The estimated price does not include stamp duty, registration fees, additional costs that may be incurred under the Building Contract (e.g. due to delays in titling the lot) or any other incidental fees associated with the acquisition of land or a home or the construction of a home. Subject to availability.

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If you want to find out what’s so unique about eco-smart living at Corfield Green, get in touch with us! Our friendly team will get back to you shortly!

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