Why You’ll Love Living
in Corfield Green
Explore what’s unique here!
Why You’ll Love Living in Corfield Green
Explore what’s unique here!
What does your dream home look like? A home surrounded by nature, a close-knit community of warm people, or a location where you can easily access whatever you need?
Corfield Green has exactly what you’re looking for.
Nature is all around you. You don’t need to leave the comfort of your home to enjoy it.
Embrace the community spirit in the City of Gosnells! Residents often make connections with other families through a casual conversation at the park or at major events.
Everyday living made easy. A spread of retail, medical and education facilities surround Corfield Green.
What’s unique about Corfield Green is that you’ll experience eco-smart living firsthand. Think about the convenience and comfort it will bring, coupled with an environmentally-friendly lifestyle!
Sounds like you’ll love living in Corfield Green? Time to explore more about Corfield Green below!
House and Land Packages
Move-In Ready Homes
Master Plan
Gosnells Community
Eco-Smart Living
Explore Corfield Green’s Surroundings
Home is where you’re close to whatever you need. An abundance of nature, retail and transport – all within easy reach at Corfield Green.

Explore Corfield Green’s Surroundings
Home is where you’re close to whatever you need. An abundance of nature, retail and transport – all within easy reach at Corfield Green.

Find out more
If you want to find out what’s so unique about eco-smart living at Corfield Green, get in touch with us! Our friendly team will get back to you shortly!